Wednesday, 31 May 2017

presentation link POE

Monday, 29 May 2017


 ASK? what is the significance of professor Lee Berger's finding? How effective is the Homo Phenomena?

 ACQUIRE The remarkable aspect about Lee Berger's findings is that, this is the first time in all history that human being have encountered a non-human species that deliberately disposes of its dead.Homo Naledi seemed aware of its own mortality,a trait that was thought to be unique to human according to Lee Berger(2016).New species with human like features called Homo Naledi has been revealed as a historic discovery made in south africa its a ground breaking discovery that will help us better understand who we are and how we evolved.Homo Naledi has proposed remarkable question be truly human according to the Daily Maverick(2015).HOMO NALEDI'S discovery proposes brutal facts ,and the way they were carried out were extraordinary default.Deeper implications of what Homo Naledi may mean have also become the subjects of debate.Thats of course has opened still larger questions about the origins of religion according to J Brooks(2015)

 ANALYZE From above mentioned raw material ,it is clear that is possess negative implication about human existence.According to the daily Maverick(2015)Stipulate that this discovery will help us better understand who we are and how we evolved and according to J Brooks(2015) postulates that questions about origins of consciousness and religion be redressed

 APPLY Professor Lee Berger's finding are essential in the economy of south africa .They will increase tourism in south africa.they have also opened opportunity doors for the study of science in south africa.the findings have also extended the knowledge we know about the creation man kind HOMO NALEDI's phenomena has allowed further investigation on what it may mean to be truly human,origins of religion it has also provided a new perspectives leverage capabilities that science objectively try to empower people about history ad human existence

ASSESS Lee Berger's findings should have included religions participates.This could have ensured that the findings were not basically scientific driven but also incorporate subjective mechanism.this would have reduced basis influences towards the effectiveness of human existence

QUESTION 3 NAPALM GIRL the photo must be taken down, because its subject a young girl is naked.violation of the company's community standards.she will never reconcile if her naked pictures still may destroy her reputation in future.her kids might undermine her because they might not understand the past.she might not get employed in future.

 cyber bullying-is the use of digital technologies with an intent to offend humiliate threaten or abuse somebody OVERCOMING CYBER BULLING
1.never respond-to anything that has been said or retaliate by doing doing the same back
 2. screen shoot-anything that you think could be cyber bullying and keep record of it on your computer
 3. block and report-the offending users to the appropriate social media platform about it-you may it at the time .but you seriously are not alone .talking to somebody about cyber bullying not only support .talking to somebody about cyber bullying not only support but it documents evidence and will take a huge weight from your shoulder
 5. assess how serious -the cyber bullying is if it is light name calling from somebody that you don't know it might just be easier to report and block that user
 6.Report it-if you are experiencing cyber bullying from somebody you go to school or college with ,report it to teacher,if somebody is threatening you giving out your personal information
 7.Be private-we recommend that you keep your social media privacy setting high and do not connect with anybody who you do not know offline
 8.Talk to them-sometimes it may be appropriate to request that a teacher or responsible adult host a mediation between you and the person who is cyber bullying online
9. sympathize- always remember that happy and secure people do not bully other people that bullying are through a difficult time themselves and will often need a lot of help and support Cyber Bullying : Create No Hate - YouTube Cyber Crime Helpline Beyond Blue Website Identity Theft Australia Information on 'Being Targeted by Identity Theft.' Equinox Fraud Division Experience Fraud Division Trans Union Fraud Division Identity Theft What is Identity Theft: Identity Theft is the stolen identity of a persons personal details to access credit card details or drivers licence. There are many ways people can steal your identity for example a non sercure online shopping website or a spy cam on an ATM. Identity Theft is categorized into two categories, True name and account takeover. The differences between the two are, True name Identity Theft is when a theft uses your personal information to make new accounts such as a credit card account or a phone service. Account takeover is when an Identity Theft uses this personal information to gain access to other existing accounts. It's said, that Identity Thefts will use old-fashion ways in order to access your personal information, such as retrieving discarded mail or taking personal paperwork. Another way is to simply shoulder surf over someone while someone is filling out personal details like an ATM. How to Avoid Identity Theft: Avoiding Identity Theft is easy. To avoid any possible opportunity on having your Identity stolen, make sure to do a few quick and simple task. When retrieving money from an ATM, make sure to cover the number pad with your hand so no cameras can film you typing in the four digit code. When throwing out letters, either use a black marker to blacken out your details, shred the paper and recycle or cut up the letter and throw it out. These two tips could potentially save your identity and keep you safe from anyone who is targeting others. What to do if targeted: Act Immediately : If you know you have been a victim of Identity Theft act immediately by doing the following.
 Step 1: Call the fraud company and explain that you have been a victim of Identity Theft and you would like to freeze the account to access the passwords & codes to change them.
 Step 2: Place a fraud alert and get a credit report
 Step 3: Contact FTC and report an Identity Theft.
 Step 4: File a report to your local police department. What to do next :
 Step 1: Close all new accounts that have been activated in your name.
 Step 2: Remove unnecessary charges from your accounts
. Step 3: Correct your credit report.
 Step 4: Add a fraud alert or credit freeze. Example of Identity Theft: Imagine, one day an kind lady was walking around her local shopping area, buying different items for her everyday needs. The lady then sees she needs more money to buy a few more items before she goes home. She gets out her credit card and enters her details into the ATM without covering the key pad. But little did this lady know that a camera was installed to still her code and gain access to her credit card details. In a matter of minutes her identity was stolen and her credit card was empty. Imagine, you are reading the last of your letters and just throwing them in the bin, not bothering to scribble out your personal details. But little did you know, someone had gone through your bin and gotten hold of those letters.A few days later your bank details have been over taken and you cannot access anything. These are examples of Identity Theft

Individuals posses certain fundamental rights .government should exist to protect those rights against those who violate them

1.FREEDOM-digital rights have a right to be free ,uncersored internet
2.OPENNESS-digital citizens have a right to be open,unobstructed internet
3.EQUALITY-all digital citizen are created equal on the internet
4.PARTICIPATION-digital citizenhave a right peacebly participate where and how they choose on the internet
5.CREATIVITY-digital citizen have a right yo create ,grow and collaborate on the internet and held accountable for what they create
6.SHARING-have a right to freely share their ideas ,lawful discoveries and opinions on the internet
7.ACCESIBILITY-to access the internet equally regardless of who they are or where they are
8.ASSOCIATION-freely associates on the internet
9.PRIVACY-have a right to privacy on the internet
10.PRIVACY-have a right to privacy on the internet

Q6.1 refers to the ways that people communicate and the methods they use to do
socialazation describes the customs quirks and language unique to a particular culture

online socialazation requires a computer or internet -enabled device such as smartphones.
online socialization doesn't neccessarily lead to fewer real-world relationships

Internet socialazation involves its own culture and subculture.Internet 'meme' occur when an image ,phrase or video is shared rapidly through the social web
The meme then becomes reference point for internet users
Other forms of internet culture includes the shorthand expressions used in chartrooms ans socialqqq

The Ten Most Dangerous Online Activities
1. Clicking on e-mail attachments from unknown sender
 2. Installing unauthorized applications
3. Turning off or disabling automated security tools
 4. Opening HTML or plain-text messages from unknown sendersing off or disabling automated security tools
 5. Surfing gambling, porn
 6. Giving out passwords, tokens or smart cards or other dicey sites
 7. Random surfing of unknown, untrusted Web sites
8. Using any old Wi-Fi network
 9. Filling out Web scripts, forms or registration pages
 10. Participating in chat rooms or social networking sites


Electronic and e-commerce is used to describe a transaction conducted over the internet between a business and a consumer for his/her personal use

company doing businesses with each other such as manufactures selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers
electronic commerce is purchasing,selling and exchanging of goods and services over computer networks through which transactions or terms of sale are perfomed electronically

business profit from the willingness of consumers to name their own price or contribute data or marketing to the company while the consumers profit flexibly direct payments or free or reduced price products and service
consumer provides a business with a fee based-based opportunity do market the business products on the consumer's blog

is a business model that facilitates the transactions of the products or services between consumers
-customers sells goods or services to another
-enable relationships helping buyers and sellers locate each other

Tuesday, 16 May 2017