Tuesday 11 April 2017

Question 1

Q.1.1 1.digital access As rapidly as internet access and technology have grown ,socioeconomic status and geographical location still play a part in keeping some from having digital access.it is important to remember that some still faces these challenges and to help take steps to ensure that digital technology continue to become accessible 2.digital commerce Everything from groceries and toys to cars and electronics are available for purchasing online.consumers including students need to be informed and aware of the risks associated with online purchasing.secure payments and site that protect buyer information are important principles to teach 3.digital communication With e-mail,text messaging,video chart,communication is easier than ever before with the push of a button or click of a mouse,sensitive information can be shared unsafely.warning students about what is appropriate to share through digital channels can prevent embarrassing,costly and dangerous situations 4.digital literacy Being informed citizen is a large part of being responsible citizen,not to mention that the more digital literate students are the,better prepared they will be for the workplace or higher education.how to conduct online determines reliable sources and use word processing software are all important skills 5.digital etiquette It is imperative that learn how to appropriately conduct themselves in the classroom,on the playground,and throughout the school.they need to learn how to be appropriate while online .more than just establishing policies about what is acceptable behaviour.students should be taught the importance the importanceof being respectful to their online peers and how to conduct themselves. 6.digital law With new developments comes new laws and restrictions.as technology has advanced,legislation has raced to keep up,resulting in ever-evolting rules and regulations.citizens need to be informed and up-to-date about what is legal and acceptable 7.digital rights and responsibilities Just as the citizen of many countries are afforded basic rights,those who parto in thei digital environment.privacy rights and freedom of speech is often discussed and viewed as paramount 8.digital health and wellness Out of the world's estimated seven billionhave access to mobile phones .statistics like this make it clear that many of us spend hours a day looking at screens,typing on keyboards and talking on mobile phones.safe ergonomic practices and eye safety are physical concerns that should be addressed 8.digital security When teaching children to look before they cross the street,not to talk to stranger's and how to call in an emergency.similar precautions are neccessary within the digital community,including how to set robust passwords,virus protection,and how to determine site security.

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